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God Cares


The revelation of God, His nature and disposition through the scriptures, beginning from Moses, to the Prophets, Jesus, and the Apostles. ‘God Cares’ is a defense of the person of Father God as seen in the face of His Son Jesus.

The assumption that God is in fact responsible for the many woes that befall mankind has done more harm and no good to the human mind and his perception of a loving God. It becomes germane that a proper doctrinal explanation be given on the abilities and presumed activities of God in the earth today. The conflict in the minds of men as touching the loving nature of God, and His willingness to unleash His anger on anyone who errs, has given rise to a number of free-thinkers who unfairly blame God for deeds that are inconsistent with His person.

This teaching answers the many questions that prey on the heart of everyone who has been in one challenging situation at one time or the other, and presents a scriptural view of God, His consistent nature from time immemorial, the truth about the evil perpetuated in the world, and the believer’s perfect response in an unstable world, stemming from the knowledge that God cares.